Granite Chips 
The Newsletter of the Barre Rotary Club 
Give, Live, Laugh 
Notes from August 8, 2012 meeting at The Hilltop 
Upcoming Rotary Programs 
August 15, 2012 
Club Assembly 
President Jim Catone 
August 22, 2012 
Get off your Buts 
The meeting began with the ringing of the bell, our usual song, pledging to the flag and a grace offered by Roy.  Lunch was buffet so everybody filled their plates and fell to eating & talking. 
After several minutes of camaraderie, Roy said he felt it necessary to break the happy buzz of conversation and proposed a fine of 1+1 ½ on everybody not named Bill in honor of our guest, former Barre Rotarian and club president Bill Hedberg.  The fine was quickly seconded by Bill Noyes, one of the two people in the room who would be spared such an onerous fine.  The fine passed, though it sounded like the non-Bills carried the voice vote. 
Tom proposed a fine of 1+9 on George because somehow George managed to get a cloth tablecloth instead of paper.  There was some discussion about spilling water and seniority.  Claire proposed an amendment of 1+1 ½ on George because he was trying to play the age card.  Bill N. then proposed a fine of 1+9 on Mario for not standing to address the President while offering a defense.  Before there could be any action on the growing list of fines and amendments, Tom proposed a fine of 1+9 on Kevin for being young.  Kevin tried to defend himself by saying he had no tablecloth at all, which didn’t seem to have anything to do with how old he is.  Here’s how the fines played out: 

   • Against Kevin – didn’t pass 
   • Against Mario – passed 
   • Amendment against George – passed 
   • Original against George – passed 

Sue gave the Secretary report and asked for the introduction of guests.  Bill N. introduced the aforementioned Bill Hedberg, who is visiting from Florida.  District Governor Sonny Holt (our speaker) introduced his chauffeur, Deb, who also happens to be his wife. 
Sue said this is the official final notification of three proposed new members: 

   • Shane Mispel of TD Bank 
   • Rev. Daniel LeKonga of St. Monica’s 
   • Dr. Marvin Malek of CVMC 

Birthdays and Anniversaries were announced: 
Birthdays                                     Anniversaries 
Adam Martin                             Ron Parnigoni – 42 years 
Bob Pope                                    Obie Wells – 32 years 
Claire proposed a fine on Sue for not being able to keep her banks straight (your scribe missed the original discussion, so has no idea what this is in reference to).  There was discussion about Sue’s organization not being a “real bank” and discussion about recent newspaper articles and letters to the editor about banks and credit unions.  The fine did not pass. 
Elizabeth said she is ordering “Rotarian at Work” T-shirts later today, and this is your last opportunity to add your name to the list. 
Kevin gave a progress report on our “jump off a building” fundraiser.  He said Karl found a guy in Randolph who will facilitate the rappelling, but we still need to identify a building.  Kevin said he will be contacting Rotarians in the near future to serve on the committee to plan the event. 
Mario proposed a fine of 1+9 on Kevin for speeding past him on the interstate in a car purchased from Mario.  Kevin said he didn’t realize getting the car from Mario was going to come with such fines.  There was consensus that Mario’s never driven the speed limit in his life and that the discussion was only a thinly veiled form of advertising for Mario’s business.  Mario paid the $1 for advertising.  My notes don’t indicate whether the fine passed or not, but I expect we didn’t pass it. 
Bill Hedberg rose to offer a Happy Dollar, but Bill N. talked him into $5.  Bill said it was great to see so many familiar faces of Rotarians who are still active in the Club, and that the Club is very important to the community. 
President Jim introduced our speaker, District Governor Sonny Holt from the Randolph Club.  Sonny congratulated the Barre Club for having 10 Rotary benefactors – a much higher average that other clubs in the district. 
After retiring from the Air Force, Sonny started a software company.  He recently closed the company and now says his full time work is Rotary.  He discussed this year’s Theme of “Peace through Service” and said RI President Sakuji Tanaka has identified three sub-themes: 

   • Increase humanitarian service 
   • Enhance Rotary’s public image 
   • Strengthen our clubs 

Sonny talked about inner peace as part of the theme, travels through India delivering polio vaccines, water stories from Haiti and the need for Rotarians to brag about our good works changing lives throughout the world.  He said with all the good times and good works being done by Rotarians, people should be breaking down the doors to get into our clubs. 
He spoke of a recent matching grant received by the district that will support PR efforts to increase Rotary’s visibility, and the District Simplified Grants program (Barre has received 2 DSG’s in the past 2 years to support our dictionary & atlas program). 
Sonny said there’s an increasing focus on new generations, and there will be a conference this spring on ways to recruit and support younger members.  He spoke of the spring cruise conference, which is scheduled for May 24-31, 2013.  Roy is chairing that committee. 
Lastly, Sonny said the District has received a $425,000 grant to help last year’s flood victims, especially those who didn’t receive FEMA aid.  A public announcement of the grant program will be forthcoming in the near future and Rotarians will be actively involved in providing aid. 
After a warm round of applause, Sonny was asked to draw this week’s winning raffle ticket.  Nobody claimed the first ticket he drew, or even the second.  Finally, with a third ticket drawn, Ron claimed the winnings, but didn’t get the right marble. 
Visit other local Rotary Clubs – it’s fun and counts as a make up! 
12:15 PM 
Capitol Plaza 
Central Vermont 
6:15 PM 
The Steak House 
7:15 AM 
Waterbury Senior Center 
7:15 AM 
The Sugarbush Inn 
12:15 PM 
Grant’s Camp 
6:15 PM 
Senior Center