With Gratitude and Dollars
After the Pledge of Allegiance, recited by fourteen Rotarians, Caroline expressed gratitude for the work Rotary does in the community and in
the world and for the connections we make as Rotarians.
Tony rose, not from the ashes, to declare that he had experienced an EPIC weekend. He then recounted meeting the Green Up Day crew for breakfast at Delicate Decadence and being paired with Tom to pick up trash around the Gusto’s Bar area. He reported that they filled 8 bags. Later, he volunteered to cook burgers at the Barre Town barbecue and on Sunday he helped Spaulding students plant trees. All that should be worth at least 3 Happy Dollars.
Tom was next with a Happy Dollar for the Green Up Day crew: Ted, Bob Pope, and Tony. President Eddie offered a Missed Dollar for missing Green Up Day because he was at his daughter’s fashion show at Marist College.
Joe followed with three Missed Dollars: last week’s meeting; Green Up Day; and tree planting. He had a Happy Dollar for creating a “to where and when to be there” list.
Dan had a Happy Dollar because People’s Health and Wellness has expanded and now offers dental care. The first molars have been extracted making the service official.
This ‘N That
Nicole read some thank you letters from the recipients of Community Grants. She also announced that she had secured a grant for $20,000 for Good Beginnings. Caroline met with Dan, the chair of the newly formed Service Projects Committee. One of its tasks is to clearly define service projects and fundraising efforts.
Joe asked for the name of an arborist to consult regarding a tree that he thinks needs help.
Tony reported that he is interviewing two restaurants to discuss the possibility of catering our noon meeting meal.
Since Last We Met
On this day in history: In 1886 American pharmacist John S. Pemberton developed
Coca-Cola, a drink he originally billed as a cure-all tonic.
On this day in history: In 1970 a month after Paul McCartney announced that he had left
the Beatles, the British rock group released Let It Be, their last original studio album to hit the record shops.
Membership Vote
Zachary Lyle-DeLong and Jan Spargo were presented for membership. Tony moved and Joe seconded that they both be approved for membership in the Barre Rotary Club. Motion passed unanimously. Welcome Zach and Jan!
Vision, Mission and Values
I facilitated a discussion on the vision, mission and value statement presented to the members via email prior to our meeting.
Vision: To be an action-oriented Club with a diverse membership serving our community with kindness and integrity.
Mission: We provide service and support to strengthen our community, both locally and globally.
Values: Service Above Self
Fellowship and Fun
Intergenerational Collaboration
Kindness and Integrity
Leadership Development
The members offered comments and suggestions and the Visioning Committee answered questions. The conversation was robust and highly interactive. The essential elements of the conversation will be taken into consideration as the committee finalizes the strategic plan.
Nicole reminded us that we have considered three areas to be included in the strategic plan: public image, membership and business operations. Through conversations with members questions have arisen regarding what else might be included in the plan. At a recent Visioning Committee meeting, we discussed whether or not to add service to our strategic plan. We agreed that community service should be included and Nicole volunteered to develop the goals and the various elements related to it. It will be presented to the membership as part of the strategic plan for discussion.
Until next time....that's all Rotarians.