Rituals and Guests
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Acting President Caroline expressed gratitude for the young adults present today and the good that Rotary does in the community and in the world.
The following guests were introduced: Sonny Holt, Randolph Sunrise Rotary and former district governor; from Spaulding: Margo Austin, Interact advisor, Charlotte Kellett, president of Interact and speech contest participant; and Matt Redmond, vice president of Interact.
Since Last We Met
No birthdays or anniversaries.
On this day in history: The musical British Invasion began when the
Beatles landed in New York City on this day in 1964 and two nights later their performance on
The Ed Sullivan Show was watched by 73 million viewers.
On this day in history: In 2013 Mississippi became the last U.S. state to officially abolish slavery; it had ratified the
Thirteenth Amendment in 1995, but failed to submit the necessary paperwork.
Tony gave a Happy Dollar because proposing fines is “out of fun.”
Karl rose to propose a fine (all in fun) on Bob Pope because he messed up the floor with muddy foot tracks, thus forcing Karl to mop the floor. A strong defense was not mounted by Bob, but an amendment was offered to include Joe in the proposal because he was not there to help. (all in fun) Both amendment and the original failed to pass.
Joe gave a dollar to polio and a Happy Dollar because Karl explained “1-&-9” which gave Joe an understanding of the term, heretofore not known to him.
George added two dollars to the coffers showing his happiness that Sonny Holt was with us and that it was a sunny day.
Joe was up again with Happy Dollars for Interact, the Barre Opera House, and his performance in the Hedding United Methodist Church Mystery Theater; and then he added fifty cents for mentioning it.
Spaulding Interact Club
President Eddie recognized Margo Austin, Interact advisor who in turn introduced Charlotte Kellett, president of Interact. Charlotte reported that Spaulding’s Interact Club has submitted approval for funding projects with the grant of $40,000 that Spaulding had received from the Department of Education and Senator Bernie Sanders. Among the requests is the purchase of 1000 tree saplings for planting in the community. The intention of the plantings is to offset carbon emissions from Spaulding High School. Matt Redmond, vice president of Interact, added that the grant covers the cost of the saplings so that people don’t have to pay for them. They will be distributed on Sunday, May 5th and will include planting services if requested.
Rotary Youth Speech Contest
Acting President Caroline introduced speech contest participant Charlotte Kellett. This year’s topic was “How can we increase hope for our schools?” She focused on the development of relationships as a way to bring hope into our schools. In accordance with the rules, her speech was timed and scored by judges, in this case Tom Babic and Joe Shadroui. Rotarians and guests listened with intensity and interest to her message and gave a hearty round applause at its conclusion. After a brief meeting of the judges, Acting President Caroline proclaimed Charlotte as the winner and then presented her with a cash prize and a certificate of recognition. Charlotte will go on to compete in the area and at the district level. We wish her the best of luck and appreciate her participation in this year’s contest.
Next Week’s Meeting
Meeting at the Arcana Workshop-Jockey Hollow
309 South Barre Road
See and hear how they manufacture our race cars for the Barre Rotary Art Splash!!
Until next time, that's all Rotarians.....