A Moment of Silence
After the Pledge of Allegiance, President Eddie asked for a moment of silence in memory of former Barre Rotarian Claire Duke who passed
away recently.
Breakfast Survey
Patrick rose to pass out forms to gather information about the Annual Breakfast for the development of Process Improvement Recommendations. He also announced that he is working on a new breakfast book.
Remembrances of Claire
The conviviality of conversation and enjoying lunch was alas interrupted by President Eddies’s call for dollars.
George was first with a dollar in recognizing that the obituary of Claire Duke in the Times Argus captured her life well. He attended Barre City Schools with her. Another dollar because his sacroiliac acting had been acting up. He ended with $20 for the meeting. Thanks, George.
Joe recalled that his father worked with Claire and he knew her as a realtor and enjoyed a long term relationship with her.
Caroline gave two dollars in remembrance of Claire and a dollar for the upcoming membership seminar on Zoom on January 7, 2023.
Angelina gave a Happy Dollar because it was nice to see everyone.
Nicole gave several dollars: being 100% Roman; taking her mother to Italy on her sixtieth birthday; seeing Angelina; and having a good trip with her daughter to be with family and friends for the holidays.
The Story Hour
President Eddie announced that he had two 1996 calendars which are exactly the same as 2024 and he would like to give them away. Joe took the Chicago Art Institute and I’m not sure who took the other one. He then told us that the trip to Italy was wonderful, but he felt he wasn’t wearing the right clothes. Giving into the world of fashion surrounding him in Firenza (Florence), he went rogue and purchased a leather jacket, Italian boots and gloves. He proudly modeled his new look for us, rather on a table than a runway, however.
President Eddie opened the gates and stories of Italy came flowing forth: Tony and a drunk woman; Bob Pope looking at an empty parking garage where his car had been parked; Joe and patent leather shoes; and Ginny, our friend Ann and me in a taxi going 90 miles per across Italy. Details available from the storyteller on request.
The vote on the Barre Rotary Club Constitution will take place on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Since Last We Met
Birthday: Stacie Boltin Dec. 10
Anniversary: Jim and Ginny Catone Dec. 27 51 years
On this day in history: In 1977 Apple was incorporated by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and it later became one of the most valuable companies in the world, known for innovative computer and electronic products.
On this day in history: In 1892 English author and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien, who was perhaps best known for his richly inventive epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings, was born in South Africa.
Visioning is Coming Nicole provided an overview of the visioning process in which the club will be engaged in February. The process will include looking at the club in the present and what we envision for the future. Participation is imperative in order for the process to be successful. Details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Mark February 28, 2024 on your calendar from 12:00-2:00 for an important visioning session.
A Donation to the Community Relief Fund A representative/photographer was present to receive a major donation from the Rossi fund of $13,600 to
the Community Relief Fund. President Eddie presented the check and several other Rotarians took part in the ceremony.