Is It the Truth?
Fourteen Rotarians and four guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the
Four Way Test to start the meeting. Tony then put in a pitch for
working at the concession for the Vermont Motorsports Expo on March 29 and 30. President Eddie fined himself a dollar for “butchering” Nicolas Storellicastro’s name. He then introduced today’s guests: Shawna Trader; Dierdre Michelle; Amber Derway; and Riley Stephens.
Kudos for Rotary and Reminders
Caroline was first on her feet with a thank you to the club for its support of her attendance at NEPETS held in Newton, MA. The themes of love and peace were an integral part of the training as they are part of our club, she noted.
She also announced that our candidate, Charlotte Kellett, will advance to the next round of the Rotary Speech Contest after winning in Northfield last week. Nicole echoed Caroline’s sentiments in commenting that Rotary is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. She spoke of the training and that her development as a leader was, in part, due to the opportunities provided by Rotary.
She also reminded us that she needs to know what pies Rotarians are contributing to Pie for Brunch on April 6. Additionally, she needs items for the silent auction. Please contact her with the information.
And don’t forget to sign up for a spot to help out at the Drop ‘N Swap on April 20-21. Help is also needed to set up on Friday, April 19. The Bucks Stop Here!
President Eddie gave a Happy Dollar in recognition of Karl ushering all twenty-three nights of the basketball tournament. Bob Pope added a Happy Dollar from Charlene in thanks for Karl’s 23 night ushering gig.
Nicole offered a Happy Dollar for the success of the Offers and Needs Market that was held on Tuesday evening. Many diverse needs were included in the market. She added three Happy Dollars in recognizing her mother’s passing and the causes she believed in: St Jude’s Hospital and Mercy Ships.
Caroline added to the coffers with a dollar for polio plus; another for our guests; and one for sophomores being invited to apply for RYLA. Bob Blow gave a Happy Dollar because he was here at the meeting after spending days in a nursery home.
Tony came forth with a Happy Dollar for his dog chasing a fisher cat which climbed a tree; another dollar because he was having lunch with a prospective member.
Dan threw a Happy Dollar in the basket for the Green Mountain Film Festival with his finance’, Phayvanh Luekhamhan, in charge. He is proud of his partner.
Guest Shawna Trader gave a Happy Dollar to thank Barre Rotary for its good works and the Community Grant that Rainbow Bridge received.
Tom rose to propose a fine on Bob Pope because Joe Shadroui wasn’t here to be fined by Bob; in honor of fines. With little traction it died for a lack of a second. Since Last We Met
Birthdays: Bertil Agell March 11
On this day in history: In 2012 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., announced that it was ceasing publication of its print version, the oldest and longest continuously published English-language general print encyclopedia.
On this day in history: In 1925 The Tennessee legislature passed a bill that banned the teaching of Charles Darwin's theory of
evolution in the state's public schools. In the highly publicized Scopes Monkey Trial, high school teacher John Scopes was convicted of breaking that law.
Pass the Cheese, Please
President Eddie took center stage to take us to Firenze (Florence) with the aid of photos and videos. We saw Firenze at night and in the day; the city and the countryside; and many views from the Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge). Eddie managed to connect with a distant relative who was in the cheese business, but not just any cheese: parmigiana reggiano. It is a cow’s milk cheese that is only produced in the Emila-Romagna region of Italy. We saw how it was made and how it was stored as it aged. Eddie and his family traveled to Modena, home of opera star Pavarotti and some of the world’s finest balsamic vinegar. Rotarians and guests appreciated sharing in Eddie’s adventures in Italy and gave him a warm round of applause as he concluded his presentation. Until next time...that's all Rotarians.....