President Caroline opened the meeting with fourteen Rotarians reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Is it beneficial to all concerned?
She then introduced Fred Bashara of the Montpelier Rotary Club who has enjoyed 58 years of perfect attendance at Rotary meetings and Kristen Baumann, Director of the Aldrich. Since Last We Met
Birthday: Patrick Gardner July 26
Club Anniversary: Eddie Rousse July 31, 2000 24 years
Anniversary: Caroline Earle and Paul Haigh July 30
On this day in history: In 2012 the Summer Games in London, American swimmer Michael Phelps captured an unprecedented 19th career Olympic medal when he helped the U.S. team win the 4 × 200-meter freestyle relay.
On this day in history: On the morning of July 31, 1975, James Hoffa, one of the most influential American labor leaders of the 20th century, was officially reported missing after he failed to return home the previous night.
Secretary Jim announced that Doug Bullett’s membership will change from honorary to active.
Earle’s Pearls President Caroline proclaimed that the Aldrich Public Library Rotary Breakfast was a success while showcasing the placemats.
She went on to announce that a directorship is available on the International Rotary Board of Directors. Those interested should contact her for further information.
She informed us that the Randolph Rotary Club is celebrating its 100th Anniversary with a lobster/streak feed on August 24. Contact the Club if you would like to attend. She was pleased to announce that the Charlotte-Shelburne Club is donating sample size toiletries to our community service project benefitting the Rainbow Bridge Community Center and Good Samaritan Haven.
Paul contributed a spousal pearl suggesting that emergency service numbers be included in the toiletries packets. He also reported that Burlingtonian Ilona Maher, part of the USA Rugby Olympic Team, won a bronze medal in Paris.
A Rotary Moment Nicole spoke to us about the Rotary Community Corps. RCC members plan and carry out projects in their communities in collaboration with local Rotary clubs. Sponsored by a Rotary club, an RCC leverages Rotary’s network, brand, and mentorship by partnering with clubs to plan and implement service projects. RCCs increase Rotary’s impact and expand its reach by utilizing the knowledge and talents of local people to strengthen their community through sustainable projects.
Oh So Fine
Karl rose to propose a fine of one-and-nine on Paul for addressing President Caroline as “honey” as he evoked the addressing Rotarians by their first names rule. Paul defended himself by saying: “I did it!” The fine passed by a close vote.
Karl then proposed a fine of one-and-nine on Nicole for taking more than a moment during her delivering of “A Rotary Moment.” He clocked her at 4 minutes last week and 3 minutes this week. Her defense was: “I’ll pay it.”
Lots of Happy People (with dollars)
George was first with two dollars, sad in remembering his Rotarian friend from Pakistan was shot before he became a district governor. George has remained in contact with his wife for twenty-five years. But happy that his grandson, who was run over by a truck, sustained no injuries and is doing fine. Tony, with two Happy Dollars, reported the following factoids regarding the Breakfast: 802 served; very close to the mark on ordering the right amount of sausage and ham; Karl had trouble making Mickey Mouse pancake ears; and Bob Pope sold 58% of the tickets. He thanked all the contributors of the placements and expressed special kudos for Ted and Patrick for all their work behind the scenes.
George was back with a Happy Dollar for the service at the toast station of his son and daughter-in-law.
With a return to the Happy Dollar Circle, Tony gave a Happy Dollar for the rescue effort of Bob Pope of his wife, Cindy. Trapped in her office because of a broken lock on the door, she called Tony and then started pleading for help. Hearing her pleas by Bob while attending a board meeting elsewhere in the building, he dashed to the wife in distress. The lock will finally be replaced.
Kristen added to the coffers with a Happy Dollar in thanks for the patrons and for Rotary’s efforts in making the Breakfast a success.
Zach was next with a Happy Dollar, glad the majority of the flood relief is finished. The focus can now be on helping kids get back packs for school. Contact Zach if you would like to become a sponsor. Top ticket salesman, Bob Pope, rose to stuff the basket with 25 Happy Dollars, explaining that it was the first time in 25 years that he had missed a Breakfast. After the first time he asked Dick Paragoni, longtime chair of the Breakfast, what he could do to make up for his transgression. Dick responded with “sell tickets” and Bob started selling tickets to businesses and as they say, “The rest is history.” Bob gave kudos to all for the hard work put into making the Breakfast a success, especially recognizing Patrick.
Nicole was up with five Happy Dollars in hand: her friend Cliff is considering joining Rotary; had a delightful time selling tickets with Carol Dawes and Emily Stephens, laughed a lot; Jason was honored to provide the tent for the Breakfast; and her daughter Ellie turned six recently.
The Final Draft President Caroline presented the final draft of the strategic plan developed by the Visioning Committee (Caroline, Nicole and Jim) with the help and cooperation of the members who attended the club assembly sessions devoted to the strategic plan. As spokesperson for the Committee, Nicole began with a brief history of the creation of the plan starting with members completing the Club Health Check. To facilitate discussion, Tony moved and George seconded that the Strategic Plan of the Barre Rotary Club be adopted. George commented that he hoped that it did not just sit on the shelf. Nicole responded that benchmarks for each of the goals would be used to monitor progress and there will be regular reports on their achievement. The use of the word “strengthen” in the mission statement was questioned and President Caroline asked for possible substitutes and members responded to the request. It was suggested that the Committee consider the alternatives and make the decision to retain or replace “strengthen.” Tony moved and Paul seconded that suggestion as an amendment. Both the amendment and the main motion to adopt the plan were approved unanimously.