A Trip to Spaulding High School
A Fine in the Library
With the aromatic breezes resembling Luigi’s Pizzeria wafting in the air and nine Rotarians huddled in the corner of the library, Tony asked President Eddie to pass the gavel. President-elect Caroline quickly grabbed the gavel as it was reluctantly being relayed to her by President Eddie. Tony then proposed a fine on President Eddie because he did not start the meeting on time. Caroline moved and Nicole seconded that a fine of one-and-nine be leveled on President Eddie for not starting the meeting on time. A defense was presented and countered by those in favor of the fine. One member feared that: “Eddie might take his ball and go home.” The debate didn’t last long since Caroline, by virtue of being President-Elect, denied the fine. That was new!
Where was rule-man Bob Pope when we needed him?
Much Happiness ($$$) in the Corner
Tony started things off with three Happy Dollars as he acknowledged the reasons for his happiness: Caroline’s team bowling in the Bowlathon; his team raising the most money and his winning the 50/50 raffle. Caroline took some credit for his successes by claiming she had given Tony’s team incentive when she “threw down the gauntlet.” Nicole gave a humbling ½ dollar for the successful events while she was at Norwich and expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to lead those events. All them were successful. She also announced that over Thanksgiving break she and thirteen students will be available to organizations in need of volunteers to help them accomplish their Thanksgiving events. Caroline was next to give a Happy Dollar in disclosing that her son, Andrew, who is employed by Applebee’s, supplies her with “one’s.” He was recently in a five car pile up at MacDonald’s. He was not injured and his car received only minor damage since he was at the end of the “rear ended” accident. She gave another dollar for being happy to see Nick Allen here again and two Happy Dollars for being here with the members of Interact.
Since Last We Met
Spouse Birthday: Larry Bowling November 3, 2023
On this day in history: In 1960 Democratic politician John F. Kennedy was narrowly elected president of the United States.
On this day in history: In 1837 One of the first institutions of higher education for women in the United States, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (now Mount Holyoke College) opened in Massachusetts.
Interacting With Interact
Joining the meeting were the members of Interact and the attendees of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy): Camille Marineau; Charlotte Kellett; Austin Kelley; Bianca Chiuchiolo; Addison Barrett; Matt Redmond; Keating Carpenter; Marissa Young; Grace Lindhiem; Sydney Graves; and Tyler Graves.
President Eddie began the second part of the meeting by first introducing Margo Austin, Interact Advisor. He then went on to present some community service opportunities for the students including the World Santa Coat Wrap, Pie for Bunch, Drop & Swap and the SHS Foundation. Nicole added that she needs “shopper elves” to help her shop to fill totes for Tatum Totes holiday gift giving. President Eddie asked the students to introduce themselves and say why they joined Interact. Most students responded that Interact provides opportunities for community service. Two of the RYLA attendees, Camille Marineau and Keating Carpenter, were asked to talk about their experiences at the leadership weekend held on the Lyndon campus of Northern Vermont University in June. When asked what the take-aways were, the students talked about an increased knowledge of group work and improvement in speaking, team building and social skills. President Eddie presented each student with a Rotary coin with the Four-Way Test on it. Joined by Austin Kelley, a RYLA attendee who spoke to us in August, President Eddie presented all three with a certificate of attendance for participation in the leadership program at Lyndon. President of Interact, Charlotte Kellett, began her presentation by describing two projects in which members of Interact participate. One is raising funds to plant trees whose emissions will offset the energy consumption at Spaulding. They need to raise $5000 to buy saplings and plant them in order to reach their goal. They will have a bake sale on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at Shaw’s to raise money for this project. She then distributed a list of possible projects being considered by Interact which would be funded by a $40,000 grant recently received. Top priorities include: vape detectors/education; decorations on Main Street; Barre clean up; new sports equipment for SHS; an outdoor stage. Charlotte explained the rationale for a number of the projects. Rotarians applauded their involvement in this endeavor which is completely student run. It was pointed out that once the project has been selected, matching funds from Rotary might be available.
President Eddie expressed our thanks for the students’ service, enthusiasm and commitment and Margo Austin thanked Barre Rotary for coming to Spaulding for a joint meeting and interacting with the students. Rotarians expressed their happiness in attending and welcomed an opportunity to return for another joint meeting with Interact.
Until next time, that’s all Rotarians….